Μήνυμα προς την Ευρώπη απευθύνει ομάδα Ελλήνων καλλιτεχνών,
υπό τον τίτλο «In case I don't die- a greek whisper to Europe» (Σε περίπτωση
που δεν πεθάνω- ένας ελληνικός ψίθυρος προς την Ευρώπη).
Το βίντεο έχει σκηνοθετήσει ο Νικόλας Ανδρουλάκης και
«πρωταγωνιστεί» η Ντάνι (Ιωάννα) Γιαννακοπούλου, σε μουσική Κωνσταντίνου Βήτα.
«Το βίντεο δεν φτιάχτηκε για να σας εντυπωσιάσει ή να σας σοκάρει. Επειδή αυτά
τα λόγια δεν είναι κραυγή, αλλά ψίθυρος» λέει η ομιλήτρια.
Το βίντεο είναι ένα μήνυμα υπέρ της Ευρώπης και της
διαφορετικότητας, καθώς και «του δικαιώματος στην επιβίωση, στην εργασία, στην
αισιοδοξία, στη ζωή», που είναι κοινό για όλους.
«Οι Έλληνες γίναμε το πειραματόζωο της λιτότητας. Επειδή τολμήσαμε
να την εφαρμόσουμε. Και τα καταφέραμε. Στα χαρτιά. Και όμως τώρα πεθαίνουμε.
Τώρα τολμούμε να γίνουμε το πειραματόζωο της ελπίδας. Για μια πιο δίκαιη
Ευρώπη. Με πολλή σκληρή δουλειά. Με ειλικρίνεια. Μαζί. Μη μας αφήνετε μόνους».
«No, don't look at me like that... I won't make
you feel uncomfortable. No more than necessary. You know that this video could
begin or end with an imposing shot of the Acropolis. Or the Olympics. Or the
deep blue waters of the Aegean. Or with people losing their jobs and homes. Or
others sleeping in tiny carton boxes. Or others driving luxurious cars. But
this shall not happen. Because this video wasn't made to impress nor to shock
you. Because these words are not a scream. They're a whisper.
could be reading this in English, or German, or French, or Spanish or
Portuguese, or Finnish. But this won't happen.
Because I want to speak to you in my language. The same way I'd like you to
think in yours. Whatever language you speak. In every language. Because they're
all ours. Because we're all European citizens. Proud people. And we have the
right to be different. Provided we're happy with everyone's fundamental right
to happiness. The people of my generation. And your generation. No matter what
that is. And whatever the gender, or the religion, or the sexual preference is
and every ambition and dream as well. Because the right to survival, to work,
to optimism, the right to live, in every sense, is mutual.
words are a call for a mutual hug. And an
honest, a sincere, “I like to see you smile”. In the years to come. That's what
European Integration is all about. Now is our chance. The so-called “Apathetic
Generation”, “Generation-Y”, the generation of deprivities, the “screen
generation”, the melancholic generation, the “lost generation”, can be the
first generation in modern history who will some day recite the story of dreaming
about something better. And making it happen. We can be that generation. The
proudest. Us Greeks became the guinea pig of austerity. Because we dared to
implement it. And we made it. In paper. And yet we are dying. In life. Now we
dare to be the guinea pig of hope. For a fairer Europe. With lots of hard work.
With honesty. Together. Don't leave us alone. Don't be afraid. I want and I can
contribute. I can bear it. As long as I have the right to smile. You?»
This video was shot in Athens, Greece, in March 2015
This video was shot in Athens, Greece, in March 2015
Danny Giannakopoulou
operator: Argyris Tsepelikas, Steadicam: Theodosis Tzavaras, Follow focus:
Pougkakiotis, Assistant director: Christos Karasavvidis, Subtitling: Catherine
Velissaratou, Editor: Kostas Koufiopoulos,
and Directed by Nicolas Androulakis
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